Special characters
From Unofficial QEdit Wiki Guide
Special characters that can be used in strings
- <cr> - Newline
- (tab)J - Allows you to use special characters only available when in Japanese language mode such as → ←.
- <hero name> - Puts the character's name in place of this bracket
- <hero job> - Prints the player's class
- <name hero> - Same as <hero name>
- <name job> - Same as <hero job>
- <time> - Hardcoded to always print "1:12"
- <award item> - Prints the name of the challenge mode reward that the player has chosen
- <challenge title> - Prints the player's challenge mode title
- <pl_name> - Used with opcode get_pl_name to print a player's name
- <pl_job> - Used with opcode get_pl_job to print a player's class
- <last_word> - Unknown
- <last_chat> - Prints the last chat message
- <team_name> - Prints the name of the party
- <meseta_slot_prize> - The unitxt string for the item received from Coren gamble on Blue Burst.
- <color #> - Changes the color of the text
- 0 - black
- 1 - blue
- 2 - green
- 3 - cyan
- 4 - red
- 5 - magenta
- 6 - yellow
- 7 - white
- <r#> - Prints a register's value as an integer
- <f#> - Prints a register's value as a float