Barebones function 137

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Barebones function 137

Function 137: 137:

  • Function 137 = K.O. counter.

K.O. counter

Used to store the current number of defeated enemies in a register.

Barebones function 137 = Function 137 is threaded in Barebones function 10500, Stores the current number of defeated enemies in register 39 and constantly updates it.


Function 137 is threaded in Barebones function 10500, Stores the current number of defeated enemies in register 39 and constantly updates it.

How the function appears in the script

137:     sync  //Waits 1 frame.
         chk_ene_num R39 //Stores the current number of defeated enemies in register 39.
         jmp 137 //Jumps to function 137.

Also see

sync, chk_ene_num, jmp,

Barebones function 135, Barebones function 10500