Fleti locked camera

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Syntax: fleti_locked_camera_V3 register1

  • register1 = Camera psychical location x co cords.
  • register2 = Camera psychical location y co cords.
  • register3 = Camera psychical location z co cords.
  • register4 = Camera look at location x co cords.
  • register5 = Camera look at location y co cords.
  • register6 = Camera look at location z co cords.


Used to make a camera follow the player without the player able to change the angle.


//This example will make the camera follow the player.

10:      get_slotnumber R250
         thread_stg 100
100:     get_coord_of_player R250 R4
         fleti R1, 0 //Camera psychical location x co cords.
         fleti R2, 13 //Camera psychical location y co cords.
         fleti R3, -1982 //Camera psychical location z co cords.
         flet R4, R4 //Uses the X coordinate from get coord of player.
         flet R5, R5 //Uses the Y coordinate from get coord of player.
         flet R6, R6 //Uses the Z coordinate from get coord of player.
         fleti_locked_camera_V3 R1//Tells where to start the continuation of registry strings to be used for the camera information.
         jmp 100 

Also see

flet, ret, get_coord_of_player, jmp, fleti, thread_stg, sync