Barebones function 75

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Barebones function 75

Function 75: 75:

  • Function 75 = Part of a jump sequence. Starting forest console count up timer.

Jump sequence

Jump sequence name: Starting forest console count up timer.

Barebones function 70 = Function 70 goes on a forest console to be used as the start of a count up timer. Function 70 contains a shutoff of the console at the start. Stops players movement. A message letting them know the mission will begin, what kind of timer will be used, and that a door or fence will be opened when all players have arrived. Asks the players to start waiting for everyone to arrive. It then has a list for a choice the player can make to start waiting wile staying unmovable and continue the jump sequence (yes), or to not wait and resume there movement(no).

Barebones function 71 = Function 71 displays a window message that says the player is now waiting on other to arrive. sets register 99 so that the forest console count up timer can not be reused. Re stores the current players slot number in register 250. Makes a switch call depending on the slot number the player is in to sync_register registers used in taking attendance. thread_stg function 76 until the players leave the floor.

Barebones function 72 = Function 72 sync_registers the attendance register 215 to 00000001 used for the red gem player.

Barebones function 73 = Function 73 sync_registers the attendance register 216 to 00000001 used for the green gem player.

Barebones function 74 = Function 74 sync_registers the attendance register 217 to 00000001 used for the yellow gem player.

Barebones function 75 = Function 75 sync_registers the attendance register 218 to 00000001 used for the blue gem player.

Barebones function 76 = Function 76 is thread_stg in function 71. Clears register 210. floor_player_detect and stores it in register 219. Begins taking attendance for the red gem player.

Barebones function 77 = Function 77 begins taking attendance for the green gem player.

Barebones function 78 = Function 78 begins taking attendance for the yellow gem player.

Barebones function 79 = Function 79 begins taking attendance for the blue gem player.

Barebones function 80 = Function 80 get_number_of_player1 and stores it in register 225. Jump checks if register 210 is not equal to register 225 jump to function 76. Clears registers 215, 216, 217, 218. Calls function 110. sync_register register 115 to 00008CA0 for a 10 hour count up timer.(this can be edited with a custom time to suit the needs of your quest.) sync_registers register 110 to 00000001 to start the count up timer. sync_registers register 119 to 00000001 to let the guild lady know what kind of time attack information to display at the end. Threads function 32 to constantly check if the time limit has been reached to start the quest failure sequence. se 00000007 plays a sound effect to alert players that the clock has started. Displays a window message informing the players ready, go. Closes the window message. Unlocks the opening door or laser fence.(placeholder you need to edit in the in for for the floor you are on and the door id to open in this opt code to suit the needs of your quest.) Jumps to function 3 restoring the players movement and ending the jump sequence.

Barebones function 1 = Used to end threads or functions.


Function 75 sync_registers the attendance register 218 to 00000001 used for the blue gem player.

How the function appears in the script

75:      sync_register R218, 00000001 //Makes register 218 equal 00000001 for all players.

Also see

sync_register, ret, Barebones function 1, Barebones function 70,

Barebones function 71, Barebones function 72, Barebones function 73,

Barebones function 74, Barebones function 76, Barebones function 77,

Barebones function 78, Barebones function 79, Barebones function 80