Barebones function 263

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Barebones function 263

Function 263: 263:

  • Function 263 = Part of guild lady text winning.

Guild lady text winning

Determines what the guild lady will say upon winning the quest.

Barebones function 250 = Function 250 checks what timer was used count down or count up. If count down continue to function 251. if count up continue to function 261.

Barebones function 251 = Function 251 checks for the room difficulty used.

Barebones function 252 = Function 252 displays the guild lady's winning message for normal mode. Awards the player normal mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for normal mode, and quest credits.

Barebones function 253 = Function 253 displays the guild lady's winning message for hard mode. Awards the player hard mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for hard mode, and quest credits.

Barebones function 254 = Function 254 displays the guild lady's winning message for very hard mode. Awards the player very hard mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for very hard mode, and quest credits.

Barebones function 255 = Function 255 displays the guild lady's winning message for ultimate mode. Awards the player ultimate mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for ultimate mode, and quest credits.

Barebones function 261 = Function 261 checks for the room difficulty used.

Barebones function 262 = Function 262 displays the guild lady's winning message for normal mode. Awards the player normal mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for normal mode, and quest credits.

Barebones function 263 = Function 263 displays the guild lady's winning message for hard mode. Awards the player hard mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for hard mode, and quest credits.

Barebones function 264 = Function 264 displays the guild lady's winning message for very hard mode. Awards the player very hard mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for very hard mode, and quest credits.

Barebones function 265 = Function 265 displays the guild lady's winning message for ultimate mode. Awards the player ultimate mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for ultimate mode, and quest credits.


Function 263 displays the guild lady's winning message for hard mode. Awards the player hard mode meseta. Then displays time attack information for hard mode, and quest credits.

How the function appears in the script

263:     window_msg Received 10000 meseta! //Displays a window message for hard mode meseta.
         winend  //Closes the window message.
         pl_add_meseta2 00002710 //Gives the player 10000 meseta.
         call 82 //Calls function 82. (To display time attack info.)
         call 249 //Calls function 249. (To display quest credits.)

Also see

window_msg, winend, pl_add_meseta2, call, ret,

Barebones function 82, Barebones function 249, Barebones function 261