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Copy the text in contents below into a new file named asm.txt and put that file into the same directory as qedit.exe.

{0x00, "nop", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x01, "ret", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x02, "sync", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x03, "exit", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x04, "thread", T_IMED, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // found in q236 gc, Fix Lee {0x05, "va_start", T_VASTART, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Variable start, Use argments for variables. {0x06, "va_end", T_VAEND, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x07, "va_call", T_IMED, T_FUNC, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x08, "let", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x09, "leti", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x0A, "letb", T_IMED, T_REG, T_BYTE, T_NONE}, {0x0B, "letw", T_IMED, T_REG, T_WORD, T_NONE}, {0x0C, "leta", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x0D, "leto", T_IMED, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x10, "set", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x11, "clear", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x12, "rev", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x13, "gset", T_IMED, T_PFLAG, T_NONE}, {0x14, "gclear", T_IMED, T_PFLAG, T_NONE}, // name & fix Lee {0x15, "grev", T_IMED, T_PFLAG, T_NONE}, {0x16, "glet", T_IMED, T_PFLAG, T_NONE}, // Lee, found in q71 DC Ver.1 {0x17, "gget", T_IMED, T_PFLAG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x18, "add", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x19, "addi", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x1a, "sub", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x1b, "subi", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x1c, "mul", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x1d, "muli", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x1e, "div", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x1f, "divi", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x20, "and", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x21, "andi", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x22, "or", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x23, "ori", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x24, "xor", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x25, "xori", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x26, "mod", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x27, "modi", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x28, "jmp", T_IMED, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x29, "call", T_IMED, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x2a, "jmp_on", T_IMED, T_FUNC, T_SWITCH2B, T_NONE}, {0x2b, "jmp_off", T_IMED, T_FUNC, T_SWITCH2B, T_NONE}, {0x2c, "jmp_=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x2d, "jmpi_=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x2e, "jmp_!=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // name, Lee {0x2f, "jmpi_!=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // name, Lee {0x30, "ujmp_>", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // estimated command, Lee {0x31, "ujmpi_>", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // estimated command, Lee {0x32, "jmp_>", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x33, "jmpi_>", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x34, "ujmp_<", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // estimated command, Lee {0x35, "ujmpi_<", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // estimated command, Lee {0x36, "jmp_<", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x37, "jmpi_<", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0x38, "ujmp_>=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // estimated command, Lee {0x39, "ujmpi_>=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // estimated command, Lee {0x3a, "jmp_>=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // name, Lee {0x3b, "jmpi_>=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // name, Lee {0x3c, "ujmp_<=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // estimated command, Lee {0x3d, "ujmpi_<=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // estimated command, Lee {0x3e, "jmp_<=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // name, Lee {0x3f, "jmpi_<=", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, // name, Lee {0x40, "switch_jmp", T_IMED, T_REG, T_SWITCH, T_NONE}, {0x41, "switch_call", T_IMED, T_REG, T_SWITCH, T_NONE}, {0x42, "stack_push", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x43, "stack_pop", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0x44, "stack_pushm", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x45, "stack_popm", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x48, "arg_pushr", T_PUSH, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x49, "arg_pushl", T_PUSH, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x4a, "arg_pushb", T_PUSH, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x4b, "arg_pushw", T_PUSH, T_WORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x4C, "arg_pusha", T_PUSH, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x4D, "arg_pusho", T_PUSH, T_FUNC, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x4e, "arg_pushs", T_PUSH, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x50, "message", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_STR, T_NONE}, {0x51, "list", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_STR, T_NONE}, {0x52, "fadein", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x53, "fadeout", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x54, "sound_effect", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x55, "bgm", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x58, "enable", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x59, "disable", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x5a, "window_msg", T_ARGS, T_STR, T_NONE}, {0x5b, "add_msg", T_ARGS, T_STR, T_NONE}, {0x5c, "mesend", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x5d, "gettime", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, //Lee (Displays in dec) {0x5e, "winend", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x60, "npc_crt_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x60, "npc_crt_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x61, "npc_stop", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, //Gatene {0x62, "npc_play", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, //Gatene {0x63, "npc_kill", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x64, "npc_nont", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0x65, "npc_talk", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0x66, "npc_crp_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0x66, "npc_crp_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // gc fix Lee {0x68, "create_pipe", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Lee {0x69, "p_hpstat_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Lee {0x69, "p_hpstat_V3", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee {0x6a, "p_dead_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // found in q74 dc Gatene {0x6a, "p_dead_V3", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x6b, "p_disablewarp", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // found in q220 Gatene {0x6c, "p_enablewarp", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // found in q280 gc, fix Schthack & Ives {0x6d, "p_move_v1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // found in q95 dc {0x6d, "p_move_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q143 BB, q141 gc {0x6e, "p_look", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // fix Lee {0x70, "p_action_disable", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x71, "p_action_enable", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x72, "disable_movement1", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Ives & Gatene {0x73, "enable_movement1", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Ives & Gatene {0x74, "p_noncol", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x75, "p_col", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x76, "p_setpos", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE}, {0x77, "p_return_guild", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // found in q74 dc, fix Lee {0x78, "p_talk_guild", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x79, "npc_talk_pl_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0x79, "npc_talk_pl_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee {0x7a, "npc_talk_kill, T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x7b, "npc_crtpk_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x7b, "npc_crtpk_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0x7c, "npc_crppk_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Lee {0x7c, "npc_crppk_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q222 {0x7d, "npc_crptalk_v1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0x7d, "npc_crptalk_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee {0x7e, "p_look_at", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x7f, "npc_crp_id_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // found in q222 Gatene, renamed Lee {0x7f, "npc_crp_id_v3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee, renamed {0x80, "cam_quake", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x81, "cam_adj", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee, CM {0x82, "cam_zmin", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x83, "cam_zmout", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x84, "cam_pan_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // found in q222 {0x84, "cam_pan_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee {0x85, "game_lev_super", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x86, "game_lev_reset", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x87, "pos_pipe_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Lee {0x87, "pos_pipe_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q222, fix Lee {0x88, "if_zone_clear", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Gatene & Ives {0x89, "chk_ene_num", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // found in q118(mirai) gc {0x8a, "unhide_obj", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // found in q220, name Ives & Schthack {0x8b, "unhide_ene", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // name, Ives {0x8c, "at_coords_call", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Gatene & Jodin {0x8d, "at_coords_talk", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // name, Ives and Lee (sort of :P) {0x8e, "col_npcin", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Lee {0x8f, "col_npcinr", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Lee {0x90, "switch_on", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // found in q201, name Lee {0x91, "switch_off", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // found in q72 xbox, name Lee {0x92, "playbgm_epi", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Jodin {0x93, "set_mainwarp", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x94, "set_obj_param", T_IMED, T_REG, T_BREG, T_NONE}, {0x95, "set_floor_handler", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_FUNC2, T_NONE}, /* GC */ {0x96, "clr_floor_handler", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0x97, "col_plinaw", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Lee {0x98, "hud_hide", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x99, "hud_show", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x9a, "cine_enable", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x9b, "cine_disable", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0x9c, "unknown9C", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0x9d, "unknown9D", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0x9e, "unknown9E", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0x9f, "unknown9F", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xa0, "UnknownA0", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_STR, T_NONE}, {0xa1, "set_qt_failure", T_IMED, T_FUNC2, T_NONE}, {0xa2, "set_qt_success", T_IMED, T_FUNC2, T_NONE}, {0xa3, "clr_qt_failure", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0xa4, "clr_qt_success", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0xa5, "set_qt_cancel", T_IMED, T_FUNC2, T_NONE}, // name Lee {0xa6, "clr_qt_cancel", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0xa8, "pl_walk_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xa8, "pl_walk_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xb0, "pl_add_meseta", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // name, Ives {0xb1, "thread_stg", T_IMED, T_FUNC, T_NONE}, {0xb2, "del_obj_param", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Gatene & Jodin {0xb3, "item_create", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xb4, "item_create2", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xb5, "item_delete", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, // found in q280 gc {0xb6, "item_delete2", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xb7, "item_check", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, // name, Lee q3 {0xb8, "setevt", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // found in q72 xbox {0xb9, "get_difflvl", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xba, "set_qt_exit", T_IMED, T_FUNC2, T_NONE}, {0xbb, "clr_qt_exit", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0xbc, "unknownBC", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xbd, "unknownBD", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xbe, "unknownBE", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xbf, "unknownBF", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xc0, "particle_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // name, Ives {0xc0, "particle_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // name Ives {0xc1, "npc_text", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_STR, T_NONE}, // fix Lee {0xc2, "npc_chkwarp", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee {0xc3, "pl_pkoff", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee {0xc4, "map_designate", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xc5, "masterkey_on", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0xc6, "masterkey_off", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0xc7, "window_time", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // found in q207, Lee {0xc8, "winend_time", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // found in q222, Lee {0xc9, "winset_time", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // found in q207, Lee {0xca, "getmtime", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Lee, q211 bb {0xcb, "set_quest_board_handler", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_FUNC2, T_STR, T_NONE}, {0xcc, "clear_quest_board_handler", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xcd, "particle_id_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xcd, "particle_id_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xce, "npc_crptalk_id_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0xce, "npc_crptalk_id_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee {0xcf, "npc_lang_clean", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee {0xd0, "pl_pkon", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee {0xd1, "pl_chk_item2", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xd2, "enable_mainmenu", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee {0xd3, "disable_mainmenu, T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee, found in q71 DC Ver.1 {0xd4, "start_battlebgm", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee, name firefox276 {0xd5, "end_battlebgm", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee, name firefox276 {0xd6, "disp_msg_qb", T_ARGS, T_STR, T_NONE}, // name Ives {0xd7, "close_msg_qb", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // name Ives {0xd8, "set_eventflag_v1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xd8, "set_eventflag_v3", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xd9, "sync_leti", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, /* DC ONLY? */ {0xda, "set_returnhunter", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0xdb, "set_returncity", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee {0xdc, "load_pvr", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Lee, found in q71 DC Ver.1 {0xdd, "load_midi", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0xde, "unknownDE", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xdf, "npc_param_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // fix Gatene {0xdf, "npc_param_V3", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee {0xe0, "pad_dragon", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0xe1, "clear_mainwarp", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // found in quest101@gc name Ives {0xe2, "pcam_param_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_NONE}, // fix Lee {0xe2, "pcam_param_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // fix Lee {0xe3, "start_setevt_v1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Lee {0xe3, "start_setevt_v3", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xe4, "warp_on", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // Schthack, found by Ives, Name Lee {0xe5, "warp_off", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // found in q220 Gatene {0xe6, "get_slotnumber", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xe7, "get_servernumber", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xe8, "set_eventflag2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_REG, T_NONE}, // fix Lee {0xe9, "res", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE}, {0xea, "unknownEA", T_IMED, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // Ives & Schthack {0xeb, "enable_bgmctrl", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xec, "sw_send", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Ives & Schthack, Uses Leti, Lee {0xed, "create_bgmctrl", T_NONE, T_NONE}, {0xee, "pl_add_meseta2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xef, "sync_let", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DREG, T_NONE}, // Ives & Lee {0xef, "sync_register", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Ives & Lee {0xef, "sync_register2", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Ives & Lee {0xf0, "send_regwork", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, {0xf1, "leti_fixed_camera_V1", T_DC, T_DREG, T_NONE}, // name Ives {0xf1, "leti_fixed_camera_V3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // name Ives {0xf2, "default_camera_pos1", T_NONE, T_NONE}, // name Lee (& Ives sorta =P) {0xf3, "unknownF3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xf4, "unknownF4", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xf5, "unknownF5", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xf6, "unknownF6", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xf7, "unknownF7", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xf8, "unknownF8", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xfa, "get_gc_number", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // Lee, found in q71 DC Ver.1 {0xfb, "unknownFB", T_IMED, T_DATA, T_NONE}, // Gatene {0xfc, "unknownFC", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE}, // unknown {0xf801, "set_chat_callback?", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf808, "get_difflvl2", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf809, "get_number_of_player1", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf80a, "get_coord_of_player", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // q118 mirai (rename Lee) {0xf80b, "enable_map", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf80c, "disable_map", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf80d, "map_designate_ex", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf80e, "disable_weapon_drop", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, Usable in v2 only {0xf80f, "enable_weapon_drop", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, usable in v2 only {0xf810, "ba_initial_floor", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf811, "set_ba_rules", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf812, "ba_set_tech", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf813, "ba_set_equip", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf814, "ba_set_mag", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf815, "ba_set_item", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf816, "ba_set_trapmenu", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf817, "unknownF817", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf818, "ba_set_respawn", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf819, "ba_set_char", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf81a, "ba_dropwep", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf81b, "ba_teams", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf81c, "ba_disp_msg", T_ARGS, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Ives, fix Lee, BA {0xf81d, "death_lvl_up", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf81e, "ba_set_meseta", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf820, "cmode_stage", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, //F821 {0xf823, "set_cmode_char_template", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Kayak, Pheonixmog {0xf824, "set_cmode_diff", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Kayak, Pheonixmog 0-norm,1-hard,2,vhard,3,ult {0xf825, "exp_multiplication", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // base exp x R1 + ((base exp x R2%) / R3%) {0xf826, "exp_division?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf827, "get_user_is_dead?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf828, "go_floor", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf829, "get_num_kills", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf82a, "reset_kills", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf82b, "unlock_door2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf82c, "lock_door2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf82d, "if_switch_not_pressed", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf82e, "if_switch_pressed", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf82f, "unknownF82F", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, //CM {0xf830, "control_dragon", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee q76 {0xf831, "release_dragon", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, found q76(dc) {0xf838, "shrink", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf839, "unshrink", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf83a, "UnknownF83A", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf83b, "UnknownF83B", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf83c, "display_clock2?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf83d, "set_area_total", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, Kayak, Pheonixmog {0xf83e, "delete_area_title?", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf840, "load_npc_data", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q280 gc, Lee {0xf841, "get_npc_data", T_IMED, T_DATA, T_NONE, T_V2}, // fix Gatene, Lee {0xf848, "give_damage_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf849, "take_damage_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf84a, "enemy_give_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf84b, "enemy_take_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf84c, "kill_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf84d, "death_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf84e, "enemy_kill_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf84f, "enemy_death_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf850, "meseta_score", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf851, "ba_set_trap", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf852, "ba_set_target", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf853, "reverse_warps", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CM, Causes level warps to go backwards {0xf854, "unreverse_warps", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CM {0xf855, "set_ult_map", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf856, "unset_ult_map", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CM {0xf857, "set_area_title", T_ARGS, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf858, "ba_show_self_traps", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf859, "ba_hide_self_traps", T_NONE}, {0xf85a, "equip_item_v2", T_DC, T_DREG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf85a, "equip_item_v3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf85b, "unequip_item_V2", T_DC, T_DREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf85b, "unequip_item_V3", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf85c, "QEXIT2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, Kayak, Hysteria {0xf85d, "change_wep_equippable_status", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf85e, "ba_enable_sonar", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf85f, "ba_use_sonar", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf860, "clear_score_announce", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf861, "set_score_announce", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf864, "cmode_rank", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf865, "award_item_name?", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf866, "award_item_select?", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf867, "award_item_give_to?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf868, "set_cmode_rank", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Pheonixmog {0xf869, "check_rank_time", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Pheonixmog {0xf86a, "item_create_cmode", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf86b, "ba_box_drops", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf86c, "award_item_ok?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q284(debug) gc {0xf86d, "ba_set_trapself", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf86e, "ba_ignoretrap", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf86f, "ba_set_lives", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf870, "ba_set_tech_lvl", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf871, "ba_set_lvl", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf872, "ba_set_time_limit", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf873, "boss_is_dead?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Ives, Schthack, name Lee {0xf875, "enable_stealth_suit_effect", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf876, "disable_stealth_suit_effect", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf877, "enable_techs", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q74 dc, name Ives {0xf878, "disable_techs", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q74 dc, name Ives {0xf879, "get_gender", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, q76 {0xf87a, "get_chara_class", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf87b, "take_slot_meseta", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q236 gc, fix Lee {0xf87f, "read_guildcard_flag", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf880, "ba_set_dmgtrap", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf881, "get_pl_name?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q220 {0xf882, "get_pl_job?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q220 {0xf883, "players_in_range", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee q76 {0xf888, "ba_close_msg", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Ives, BA {0xf88a, "get_player_status", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf88b, "send_mail", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q72 xbox {0xf88c, "get_game_version", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q284 {0xf88d, "chl_set_timerecord?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf88e, "chl_get_timerecord?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf88f, "set_cmode_grave_rates", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Kayak, Hysteria, Ives, Ralf {0xf890, "clear_area_list", T_IMED, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CH, name Ralf-Ives {0xf891, "load_enemy_data", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q72 xbox, name Lee & Ives {0xf892, "get_physical_data", T_IMED, T_DATA, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q72 xbox, name Lee & Ives {0xf893, "get_attack_data", T_IMED, T_DATA, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q72 xbox, name Lee & Ives {0xf894, "get_resist_data", T_IMED, T_DATA, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q72 xbox, name Lee & Ives {0xf895, "get_movement_data", T_IMED, T_DATA, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q72 xbox, name Lee & Ives {0xf898, "shift_left", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, q76 {0xf899, "shift_right", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // found in q207 {0xf89a, "get_random", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf89b, "reset_map", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CM use during a floor change {0xf89c, "disp_chl_retry_mnu", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, name Ives CM {0xf89d, "chl_enable_retry", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CM {0xf89e, "unknownF89E", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf89f, "player_recovery", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CH, name Ralf-Ives {0xf8a0, "disable_bosswarp_option", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, Hysteria, Kayak CM {0xf8a1, "enable_bosswarp_option", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, Hysteria, Kayak CM {0xf8a8, "death_tech_lvl_up2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, BA {0xf8a9, "unknownF8A9", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CM {0xf8aa, "unknownF8AA", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // unknown {0xf8ab, "unknownF8AB", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // unknown {0xf8ac, "unknownF8AC", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // unknown {0xf8ad, "get_number_of_player2", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, {0xf8ae, "unknownF8AE", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // unknown {0xf8af, "unknownF8AF", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V2}, // unknown {0xf8b0, "read1", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8b1, "read2", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8b2, "read4", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8b3, "write1", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8b4, "write2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8b5, "write4", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8b8, "disable_retry_menu", T_IMED, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CH, name Ralf {0xf8b9, "chl_death_recap", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V2}, // Lee, CM //F8BA //F8BB {0xf8bc, "set_episode", T_IMED, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8c0, "file_dl_req", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8c1, "get_dl_status", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8c2, "gba_unknown4?", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf8c3, "get_gba_state?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8c4, "unknownF8C4", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee, CM2 {0xf8c5, "unknownF8C5", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee, CM2 {0xf8c6, "QEXIT", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8c7, "use_animation", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8c8, "stop_animation", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8c9, "run_to_coord", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // name, Lee {0xf8ca, "set_slot_invincible", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q222:08B4 {0xf8cb, "set_slot_targetable?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q236 gc {0xf8cc, "set_slot_poison", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8cd, "set_slot_paralyse", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8ce, "set_slot_shock", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8cf, "set_slot_freeze", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8d0, "set_slot_slow", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8d1, "set_slot_confuse", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8d2, "set_slot_shifta", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf8d3, "set_slot_deband", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf8d4, "set_slot_jellen", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8d5, "set_slot_zalure", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8d6, "fleti_fixed_camera", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // name Ives, renamed fleti Lee {0xf8d7, "fleti_locked_camera", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // name Lee. Locks to a player {0xf8d8, "default_camera_pos2", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // name Lee & Ives {0xf8d9, "set_motion_blur", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Loop this, Lee {0xf8da, "set_screen_b&w", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Loop this, Lee {0xf8db, "unknownF8DB", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_FUNC, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8dc, "NPC_action_string", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_STRDATA, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8dd, "get_pad_cond", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8de, "get_button_cond", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q220, q284dbg gc {0xf8df, "freeze_enemies", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf8e0, "unfreeze_enemies", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf8e1, "freeze_everything", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q280 gc, Name Lee {0xf8e2, "unfreeze_everything", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q280 gc, Name Lee {0xf8e3, "restore_hp", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q236 gc, Name Lee {0xf8e4, "restore_tp", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q236 gc, Name Lee {0xf8e5, "close_chat_bubble", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8e6, "unknownF8E6", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8e7, "unknownF8E7", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8e8, "unknownF8E8", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8e9, "unknownF8E9", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8ea, "unknownF8EA", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8eb, "unknownF8EB", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8ec, "unknownF8EC", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8ed, "animation_check", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf8ee, "call_image_data", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DATA, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test), name Lee {0xf8ef, "unknownF8EF", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf8f0, "turn_off_bgm", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Name, Lee {0xf8f1, "turn_on_bgm", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Name, Lee {0xf8f2, "load_unk_data", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_DATA, T_NONE, T_V3}, // fix Lee {0xf8f3, "particle2", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_FLOAT, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf901, "dec2float", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf902, "float2dec", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf903, "flet", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf904, "fleti", T_IMED, T_REG, T_FLOAT, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf908, "fadd", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf909, "faddi", T_IMED, T_REG, T_FLOAT, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf90a, "fsub", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf90b, "fsubi", T_IMED, T_REG, T_FLOAT, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf90c, "fmul", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf90d, "fmuli", T_IMED, T_REG, T_FLOAT, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf90e, "fdiv", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf90f, "fdivi", T_IMED, T_REG, T_FLOAT, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf910, "get_unknown_count?", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf911, "get_stackable_item_count", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Ives {0xf912, "freeze_and_hide_equip", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf913, "thaw_and_show_equip", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf914, "set_paletteX_callback", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_FUNC2, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test), fix, Lee {0xf915, "activate_paletteX", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test), fix, Lee {0xf916, "enable_paletteX", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test), fix, Lee {0xf917, "restore_paletteX", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf918, "disable_paletteX", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf919, "get_paletteX_activated", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf91a, "get_unknown_paletteX_status?", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf91b, "disable_movement2", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // fix and name, Lee {0xf91c, "enable_movement2", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // fix and name, Lee {0xf91d, "get_time_played", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf91e, "get_guildcard_total", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf91f, "get_slot_meseta", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf920, "get_player_level", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf921, "get_section_id", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf922, "get_player_hp", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // fix, Lee {0xf923, "get_floor_number", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // fix, Lee {0xf924, "get_coord_player_detect", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf925, "read_global_flag", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3},// Fix Lee, Gallons Shop {0xf926, "write_global_flag", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3},// Fix Lee, Gallons Shop {0xf927, "unknownF927", T_IMED, T_REG, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf928, "floor_player_detect", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee, Uses Next 4 registers. {0xf929, "read_disk_file?", T_ARGS, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf92a, "open_pack_select", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q207 {0xf92b, "item_select", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q207 (Multiple items from pack select) {0xf92c, "get_item_id", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q207 {0xf92d, "color_change", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf92e, "send_statistic?", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf92f, "unknownF92F", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf930, "chat_box", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf931, "chat_bubble", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf933, "unknownF933", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // Lee, CM2 {0xf934, "scroll_text", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_FLOAT, T_BREG, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(test) {0xf935, "gba_unknown1", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf936, "gba_unknown2", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf937, "gba_unknown3", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86(gc) {0xf938, "add_damage_to?", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf939, "item_delete2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf93a, "get_item_info", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf93b, "item_packing1", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf93c, "item_packing2", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf93d, "get_lang_setting?", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf93e, "prepare_statistic?", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_FUNC, T_FUNC, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf93f, "keyword_detect", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q86 gc {0xf940, "Keyword", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_STR, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf941, "get_guildcard_num", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q207 {0xf942, "unknownF942", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, unknown {0xf943, "unknownF943", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, unknown {0xf944, "get_wrap_status", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf945, "initial_floor", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf946, "sin", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf947, "cos", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf948, "unknownF948", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, unknown {0xf949, "unknownF949", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, unknown {0xf94a, "boss_is_dead2?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf94b, "particle3", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, {0xf94c, "particle_id_v3_2", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q201, Lee {0xf94d, "is_there_cardbattle?", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V3}, // found in q284dbg gc / modded for card {0xf950, "BB_p2_menu", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, q412 {0xf951, "BB_Map_Designate", T_IMED, T_BYTE, T_WORD, T_BYTE, T_BYTE, T_NONE, T_V4}, {0xf952, "BB_get_number_in_pack", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Blue Burst, Lee {0xf953, "BB_swap_item", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_DWORD, T_FUNC2, T_FUNC2, T_NONE, T_V4}, // q118bb, Lee {0xf954, "BB_check_wrap", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_BREG, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, q240 bb {0xf955, "BB_exchange_PD_item", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC2, T_FUNC2, T_NONE, T_V4}, // q219, Lee {0xf956, "BB_exchange_PD_srank", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_FUNC2, T_FUNC2, T_NONE, T_V4}, // q219, Lee {0xf957, "BB_exchange_PD_special", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC2, T_FUNC2, T_NONE, T_V4}, // q219, Lee {0xf958, "BB_exchange_PD_percent", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_REG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC2, T_FUNC2, T_NONE, T_V4}, // q219, Lee {0xf959, "unknownF959", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, q708 //F95A {0xf95c, "BB_exchange_SLT, T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_BREG, T_FUNC2, T_FUNC2, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, q126 {0xf95d, "BB_exchange_PC", T_NONE, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, q031 {0xf95e, "BB_box_create_BP", T_ARGS, T_DWORD, T_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, q031 {0Xf95f, "BB_exchage_PT", T_ARGS, T_BREG, T_BREG, T_DWORD, T_FUNC2, T_FUNC2, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, q035 {0Xf960, "unknownF960", T_ARGS, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, DEFAULT QUEST {0Xf961, "unknownF961", T_IMED, T_REG, T_NONE, T_V4}, // Lee, DEFAULT QUEST